Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Goat Show

Wyatt definitely had an awesome year at the fair!  It can't get any better than Grand Champion Market Boer Goat AND Reserve Grand Champion Market Boer Goat.   He learned that all the hard work he put into working with his goats really paid off this year.  He also had the opportunity to show for a 4H friend who couldn't be there and help out his buddies with their goats.  
 Cal & Wyatt

 Wyatt showing the dairy goats. This goat received  Reserve, too.

 Wyatt helping the Sutter boys show their goats.

 Garrett helping Wyatt show the Grand Champion goat.  Looks like they were having fun out there!

 The last of the class waiting to be placed.

 He did it!  Grand Champion in Open Class, 4H and Junior Show and Reserve.

 One proud boy!!
 Talking to the judge during Showmanship. 

 All three boys received trophies that night.  Their other buddy, Garrett, received a trophy for his sheep also.

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