Monday, October 06, 2014

 Last weekend, we had to say good bye to JR's grandfather, Poppy.  He lived a wonderful, healthy life of 94 years.  I will miss our little chats on the phone, even if each week we chatted about the some of the same things.  He was a very smart person and didn't forget much of anything.  He will be missed by all.  Despite, the sadness, we had a nice visit with JR's family.  The cousins also had a great time playing.  Cameron took some pictures before we left.  
 We put a little silliness into our day!

 Greer, Wyatt, Gwen, & Ellie

She was so proud to wear Ellie's hair bow!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Great picture. I haven't seen Gwen in a long time. Glad all of my children could get together even though it was for a sad event.