Sunday, September 08, 2013

First day of school

School is off and going.  They have been in for a couple weeks now.  Wyatt really likes his teacher and he is doing very well.  His favorite subjects so far are math and of course p.e.. Ellie had a rough beginning with kindergarten.  It has been hard for her to separate from me and being there all day.  I have to admit, it has been pretty hard on me, too.  But, now she is getting the swing of things and enjoying it more. 

 Wyatt and Garrett ready to meet their new teacher

Wyatt waiting with Kaden for the bell

 Ellie and Mrs. Schwartz
 Ellie and Cohen...they look scared to death
 She got her bulldog shirt!

Hanging out in the library
Mrs. Gaubatz. Wyatt's teacher

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