Tuesday, April 03, 2012


You can see my tracks in the grass as I came over the concrete culvert
This is the man's car that hit me
Everyone has been asking to see the pictures of my car, so here they are. On Sunday, April 1st, the kids and I were on our way home from Marion. In Carterville, a man thought he could beat me across the road. I was going West he was going North. I saw it happening and I knew we were going to crash, so I tried to crash as little as possible. So, I swerved to miss him and he hit me in the driver's side door, pushing my backside into a telephone pole. Then, I went down the hill, and bounced over a concrete culvert and took a nose dive into the ground. As we were going down the hill, I hollered at the kids to HOLD ON! When I knew we were all ok, I kicked my door opened to get out and tried to get the kids out. So many people were running down the hill to help us. A man from New Jersey was visiting his family and just happened to be across the street and he was an EMT. He helped Wyatt the whole time...he was GREAT!! Wyatt has a huge bump on his forehead, cut on his cheek, and a cut on his chin. The back and arm of his car seat was GONE! He is so lucky. Ellie has a bruise on her belly, we believe from the seat belt. I am bruised on my legs (the armrest of the door hit me), my neck and chest is bruised from the seat belt, my back is bruised, and my neck and shoulders are extremely sore. We were all taken to the hospital and were released shortly after. Meanwhile, JR drove down to pick us up. All three of us are extremely blessed that we only have minor injuries. God was the one driving my car through all of that and holding my kids. We wouldn't have made it without him!
This is after they towed my car away...that is the hole we made in the ground

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